1.1. We are Contento NV (commercial name “Willow”), a company incorporated under Belgian law, having its registered office at Coupure 88, B-9000 Gent, Belgium (“Willow”, “we”) and registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen or KBO) under enterprise number 0693.699.260.
1.2. We at Willow provide social media marketing automation subscription services, as described on our Site (https://www.willow.co).
1.3. We value your right to privacy and make every effort to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") and national implementing legislation. In this Cookie Policy, we explain what cookies are, their purposes and which cookies we use.
1.4. All concepts not explicitly defined in this Cookie Policy, have the same meaning as in our Terms of Services.
2.1. Cookies are small data or text files sent from a website and stored on your local computer. Cookies can be stored for different purposes; some cookies are of a technical nature (e.g. to store language preferences), session cookies (temporary cookies) and tracking cookies (cookies that follow and store your behaviour on the website in order to provide the user with the best possible user experience).
2.2. The Belgian Electronic Communications Act (implementation of the Telecommunications Act) contains some provisions regarding cookies and their use on websites. The Belgian implementation is derived from the European e-Privacy Directive. This directive implies that each EU member state has a certain discretion with regard to cookie legislation.
3.1. Willow wants to inform the user as much as possible about this new legislation and about the cookies they use. Cookies are essential for us to optimise every visit to the website. For example, cookies remember every technical choice the user has made (e.g. choices regarding language, newsletter, etc.) and help to offer the user all relevant services and suggestions.
3.2. If you want to visit our Site, it is recommended to enable cookies. If you prefer not to, you can disable cookies by changing browser settings.
3.3. Willows only uses cookies to optimize your experience with our website. Therefore we guarantee that our cookies are safe. The information collected through the use of cookies allows us to detect possible errors and/or allows us to demonstrate specific services which we believe may be useful to you. It is possible that Willow stores information that can be directly linked to a user. Some of our cookies may come from carefully selected partners with whom we cooperate and who advertise our services on their websites.
4.1. To visit our Site, it is recommended to enable cookies on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. Without cookies enabled, Willow cannot guarantee an optimal use of our Site.