More than a thousand companies have used this guide to improve their social media strategy and online presence.
Handig - compact - ideaal voor de eerste stappen op Social Media.
Sofie Van Den Berghe
Van alle "social media selling" guidelines die ik heb geraadpleegd is dit boek bij uitstek het duidelijkste, bondigste, daadkrachtigste en mooiste.
Kristel G.
I would recommend it to anyone looking to better appreciate the value of a long-term plan. It was packed with relatively ‘easy’ tips and tricks which are directly applicable, and which result in noticeable results in a short amount of time.
Lauren Walker
10,000 hours of B2B social media consulting condensed into 70 pages. Written for Professional Service Providers & Thought-leaders. Totally for free.
Post regularly and stay on-message week-in and week-out. Learn how to plan every month ahead.
Posting a balanced variety of content types so your audience stays interested.
Social media is a two-way street. Engage with the right posts, start the discussion and become a thought leader.
Post what's valuable to you and your followers. If you want their money or email address. Give first. Ask later.
Avoid cliché. Share emotions, mistakes and everything you've learnt from it. Stop hiding behind your logo.
Ensure that employees engage with and share your content, and post regularly on their own socials.
A 6-step formula for social media success
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