Why it is Important to Steal Content
There are bad ways of stealing content, and then there are good ways of 🚨 stealing 🚨 content. And here's why I think you too should be stealing content the good way.

Guilty as charged. That headline was designed to grab your attention. But believe it or not, there are bad ways of stealing content, and then there are good ways of 🚨 stealing 🚨 content. And all we want to encourage is stealing content the right way or as it's more commonly known, content curation.
Why content curation is important
- There is a massive collection of content on every topic you can think of on the world wide web. If you can think it, chances are someone has created content about it.
- A majority of content on the internet is free to use. For example, most Forbes articles are free to share on your social media channels. That's why they've put the sharing buttons next to the article.
- Content creators love it when their content is seen, liked, shared, and it contributes to an important discussion online.
- MOST IMPORTANTLY: You need to use that content. I literally get paid to create content, but you might be losing precious dollars as a business owner if you try to write two articles every week.
- You're probably already doing it. Just at a smaller scale. Every time you share someone else's article on your Linkedin with a remark of your own in the caption, you're using someone else's content. So it's really not a bad thing to do!
How to save at least 5hrs/week with curated content
By now, hopefully, you're on board with the idea of curating content. And you kinda understand how you'll save time doing it. Let's dive a bit deeper.
In an average workweek, a business should post at least 3-4 times on their social media channels. That includes:
- Planning what Topics to cover
- Finding or creating content to post around those topics
- Writing appropriate captions
- Figuring out when to post them
For a business-owner that amounts to at least 4-5 hours of their valuable time.
For an average Willow customer, this whole process takes around 30 minutes. Here's how they do it.
- Willow's platform suggests content that is highly relevant to the customer's target audience.
- Filter through your recommended articles and schedule what you like. The more you share, the better your recommendations become!
- You have a highly relevant batch of content, ready to schedule.

If you do not have a Willow subscription, you can sign up for one here.
Important note
It is important to know that you should be sharing content that is interesting for YOUR AUDIENCE rather than for you.
Not what you expected, right? Maybe this is a piece of content your audience will be interested in! You know what to do. 😉