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Six to watch | Influential Belgian Female Business Leaders on LinkedIn

This list is an homage to a group of inspirational and thriving Female business leaders who are setting a great example for others.

Six to watch | Influential Belgian Female Business Leaders on LinkedIn

We were randomly researching the ww webs the other day and were completely taken aback by the fact that we couldn't find a list of  Belgian female business leaders who are making waves in the offline and online world. So instead of just leaving it like that, we took some extra time and created a list (that will evolve) of six Belgian leaders who are serious about getting their social media act (the) right (way).

As stated, this list is not conclusive and there are a lot of great examples of influential Belgian Female Business Leaders out there. However, this list is an homage to a group of inspirational and thriving Female business leaders who are setting a great example for others.

Leslie Cottenjé

Leslie eats, breathes and sleeps customer centricity. As the CEO of Hello Customer - a VC-backed venture that helps companies internationally with really understanding and acting upon customer feedback - she can be called a true thought leader within her domain. Leslie is quite active on social media and mainly shares and posts about, what did you expect, customer experience and customer centricity. So make sure to follow her on LinkedIn if you want to stay in the loop on the latest and greatest in Customer Relationship Management.

Find her on LinkedIn here.

Karen Boers

With a track record of over 10 years in the Belgian entrepreneurial community Karen has been supporting and guiding young entrepreneurial talent. With she created the country’s most significant startup community. Together with a group of business leaders she launched BeCentral in 2017. BeCentral is one of the biggest digital transformation hubs in the capital of Belgium. She currently acts as the Co-founder and CEO of, a for-good organization that teaches relevant digital skills to underserved communities. Karen is very big on Social Entrepreneurship so make sure to check her out on LinkedIn If you’re interested in inclusive entrepreneurship.

Find her on LinkedIn here.

Saskia Van Uffelen

Saskia is what we would call ‘incontournable’ within Belgian’s vibrant digital business community. As a true Digital Champion for Belgium since 2012, she is passionate about leading and managing digital transformation tracks within multinational businesses. Saskia acted as the CEO of a bunch of industry-defining companies such as Bull and Ericsson. Needless to say that Saskia knows what she is talking about offline and online! Saskia contributes on LinkedIn by sharing interesting content about all-things digital transformation.

Find her on LinkedIn here.

Sophie Vandebroek

Sophie has been active in the international top tech scene all of her professional life. Her LinkedIn resume is an almost infinite flow of c-level positions and leadership roles in multinational corporations that have co-defined the way we live our lives today. Currently Sophie is combining an inaugural scholarship at the esteemed Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a bunch of board positions. Sophie is pretty active on LinkedIn and shares insights on everything tech.

Find her on LinkedIn here.

Bieke van Gorp

As the Founding COO of FibriCheck, a health tech company that developed an innovative solution to detect cardiac arrhythmia, Bieke is very much involved in the national and international healthcare space.  Given that Bieke is pretty big on health, her LinkedIn feed is populated with digital health and how FibriCheck is adding value within the space. Make sure to follow her if you’d like to learn a thing or two about how a progressive cocktail of health and tech is redefining the care industry.

Find her on LinkedIn here.

Aline Muylaert

Aline is, together with her team, on a mission to reshape the way we run our communities by giving the virtual floor to citizens. Chosen as one of the Forbes 30 under 30 for Europe, Aline already enjoys international recognition from top to bottom (or should we say from bottom to top?). Together with Leslie and Bieke, Aline is definitely on her way to paving the path for a new generation of female entrepreneurs with ambitious dreams. Make sure to check out Aline her posts on LinkedIn to learn how digital and democracy can be a match made in heaven.

Find her on LinkedIn here.

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